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Mobile App Regression TestingMobile App Regression Testing

What is Regression Mobile App Testing and Why Do You Need to Outsource It?

April 23, 2021
Prathitha IyengarPrathitha Iyengar
Prathitha Iyengar

The demand for mobile applications is increasing. Today, we need an application for everything. That’s why it is important to maintain the quality and efficiency of mobile applications. Right from the development to the deployment phase, an application has to go through a series of steps in order to make it available to the customers.

Mobile application testing is a crucial step that you cannot skip in order to make your app completely useful for customers. There are different testing stages that every app has to go through in order to become functional and performance-oriented. You cannot skip any of the tests and expect your application to run smoothly across all devices.

Similar to different testing stages, there are different approaches to test your mobile application. Regression testing for mobile applications one such approach that is used to test different applications.

What is Regression Testing for Mobile Application?

Regression testing is re-running functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs after a change. It has become a crucial part of testing due to the pace of technology advancement. It is essential for any mobile app to provide optimal user experience based on any new feature release or in tandem with any version of OS that has been released.

It is important to understand that there is not much difference in the regression testing of mobile apps and web apps. Irrespective of the platform, the functionality of the app is not going to change. For example, the "Like" button on Facebook will work similarly on both web and mobile platforms, which means the functional aspects will remain the same across the platforms. Hence, there is not much difference in regression mobile testing compared to web regression testing.

So, why is regression testing for mobile applications considered challenging and chaotic?

There are several things that need to be considered before executing the regression mobile application testing:

  • Proper installation of the app in a different version of mobile OS
  • Performance of the app in interruptions
  • User-friendliness of the layout and navigation
  • Usability of the application with respect to the user requirements
  • Consistency in portrait and landscape mode

These are only a few essential factors, but the list increases according to the platform and other parameters involved.

Also check: Why Mobile App Regression Testing is Critical for Sustained Success

What Do You Need to Consider Before Opting for a Mobile Regression Testing Plan?

The growing demand for mobile applications has increased the need for mobile testing. With the ever-evolving smartphones, it has become more than important to make mobile testing more stringent. The quality of the end product is what makes a mobile testing procedure successful.

Here are the aspects that need to be followed during regression mobile application testing:

  • Choose smartphones that match your customers’ usage pattern
  • Use emulation and simulation to conduct faster testing and testing automation
  • When you test a mobile app on the cloud, you can reduce the cost and delivery time

These are some of the key aspects that you need to be clear with. It depends on your decision that can make or break your testing procedure. Hence, you must be extremely careful regarding each step.

Why is Outsourcing Mobile Testing a Better Option?

Regression mobile application testing is indeed a little tricky. If you want to make your application performance-oriented and user-friendly, it would be better to outsource the testing.

It will not only ensure the quality of the process, but it will also reduce your overheads marginally. Here are the reasons why we should be outsourcing the testing:

  • The application needs to be validated for network connectivity under the full network, no network and intermittent network
  • Both manual and regression tests are needed with respect to the cases, scenarios and iterations
  • It is important to perform a stringent load test on the application to make it compatible and functional
  • Security tests are also essential to check for any vulnerabilities in the application

All these can be made possible when you outsource your testing procedures. Instead of hiring an in-house web-developers’ team for testing, you can simply outsource it to a company and reduce the overhead. With quality, you can save some bucks that can be invested in making your application more potent. Additionally, testing is a strenuous process that can take up a lot of valuable time which can be utilized on other core objectives.

Read: How to Leverage the Benefits of Mobile Banking Performance Benchmarking

In Conclusion

You cannot ignore the need for mobile application testing if you want to make your app successful and functional. Regression mobile application testing is imperative to ensure that the app is behaving as expected even after any code changes or feature changes.

Regression testing is good for your application, but it might exhaust you and your team. Hence, it is important to understand the significance of regression testing and opt to outsource it. Here we’ve shared some key information regarding regression mobile app testing that you need to be aware of to make a well-informed decision.


Q1. What are the different tests involved in regression testing?


  • Selective Regression Testing
  • Corrective Regression Testing
  • Complete Regression Testing
  • Partial Regression Testing
  • Unit Regression Testing
  • Progressive Regression Testing

Q2. What is the best time to run a regression test?

A2. Here are the scenarios where it is best to run regression tests:

  • When you modify your codebase
  • When introducing new functionalities to your app
  • When you revise existing functionalities
  • During the debugging stage when checking for bugs is a repeating feature
  • To ensure bug-free and seamless integration with external systems

Q3. How can HeadSpin help with regression tests?

A3. The HeadSpin platform helps you analyze, monitor, and determine changes in the application. It offers build-over-build regression and its AI-powered location-to-location comparison. It is fully automated and allows you to create custom KPIs and set regression alerts. Through the HeadSpin platform, you can improve quality assurance and discover regression early.

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What is Regression Mobile App Testing and Why Do You Need to Outsource It?

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