HeadSpin Documentation


Please note that this API methodology is now deprecated, and we at HeadSpin advise you to no longer make this your primary method of tracking or interacting with your apps in HeadSpin. Please reference our new App Management documentation for our recommended API.

API Reference

List all uploaded APKs and their information

List all uploaded APKs' package names

Upload an APK

Install an uploaded APK

Get information about an APK

Update some custom information for an APK

Get information about the most recently uploaded APK in your org

Get information about the most recently uploaded version of an APK

Download an APK by package name

Download an APK by app ID

Delete a previously uploaded APK

List all uploaded XAPKs and their information

Upload an XAPK

Get information about an XAPK

Get information about the most recently uploaded XAPK in your org

Download an XAPK by app ID

Delete a previously uploaded XAPK

List all uploaded IPAs and their information

List all uploaded IPAs' bundle identifiers

Upload an IPA or .app iOS build

Install an uploaded IPA or .app iOS build

Get information about an IPA

Update some custom information for an IPA

Get information about the most recently uploaded IPA in your org

Get information about the most recently uploaded version of an APK

Download an IPA by its identifier

Download an IPA by app ID

Delete a previously uploaded IPA

List all uploaded dSYMs and their information

Upload a dSYMs zip

Install an uploaded dSYMs zip

Get information about uploaded dSYMs

Update some custom information for uploaded dSYMs

Get information about the most recently uploaded dSYMs in your org

Download a dSYMs zip by dSYMs ID

Delete a previously uploaded dSYMs zip

List all uploaded APKs and their information

Route Method
/v0/apps/apks GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apks


A JSON object, each key is the app ID for an uploaded APK. For example:

  "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e": {
    "hs_tag": null,
    "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
    "app_name": "healthtest",
    "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
    "apk_id": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
    "file_size": 2613109,
    "version_name": "1.0",
    "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
    "success": true,
    "version": "1",
    "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
    "instrs": []
  "57bbea57-041a-4e16-ae55-3b2eeb128e31": {
    "hs_tag": null,
    "main_activity": "com.android.calculator2.Calculator",
    "app_name": "Calculator",
    "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher_calculator.xml",
    "apk_id": "57bbea57-041a-4e16-ae55-3b2eeb128e31",
    "file_size": 2077092,
    "version_name": "7.5 (213680574)",
    "ts_created": 1548998292.13,
    "success": true,
    "version": "75013172",
    "app_package": "com.google.android.calculator",
    "instrs": []

List all uploaded APKs' package names

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/packages GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/packages


A JSON object with the two keys:

  • <code class="dcode">apk_packages</code>: a list of all package names, e.g. <code class="dcode">io.headspin.healthtest</code>
  • <code class="dcode">success</code>: <code class="dcode">true</code> or <code class="dcode">false</code>

For example:

  "apk_packages": [
  "success": true

Upload an APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/upload POST

Request Body

The request's body should include the binary of your <code class="dcode">apk</code> app. To include the binary of your app, use the <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@<path_to_your_apk>"</code>, for example <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@/Users/headspin/HealthTest.apk"</code>. It is also possible to add an optional query parameter to the URL to also set a custom tag (<code class="dcode">hs_tag</code>) for this APK. This tag can be updated or set later as well; this is provided for convenience.


Upload the APK:

curl -X POST https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/upload --data-binary '@HealthTest.apk'

Upload the APK and set the custom <code class="dcode">hs_tag</code> field for this APK.

curl -X POST 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/upload?hs_tag=test' --data-binary '@HealthTest.apk'


  • <code class="dcode">{"apk_id": "<app_id>", "success": true}</code> if the apk is successfully uploaded.
  • <code class="dcode">{"status": "Failed to upload apk.", "status_code": 500}</code> if there was a problem uploading the apk.

Install an uploaded APK

Please use the <code class="dcode">/v0/adb/{device_id}/install</code> route with the <code class="dcode">apk_id</code> query argument documented in the ADB API to install an uploaded APK.

Get information about an APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/{app_id}/info GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e/info


A JSON object with the app's information. For example:

  "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
  "app_name": "healthtest",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
  "apk_id": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
  "file_size": 2613109,
  "version_name": "1.0",
  "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
  "success": true,
  "version": "1",
  "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
  "instrs": [],
  "hs_tag": null

Update some Custom Information for an APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/{app_id}/info PUT

This route will update or set the tag for an uploaded APK.


curl 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk//info' --data '{"hs_tag": "custom"}'


A simple response indicating whether the applicable APK data was updated successfully. For example:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Apk info updated."

Get information about the most recently uploaded APK in your org

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/latest


A JSON object with the information of the APK most recently uploaded by someone in your org. For example:

  "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
  "app_name": "healthtest",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
  "apk_id": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
  "file_size": 2613109,
  "version_name": "1.0",
  "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
  "success": true,
  "version": "1",
  "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
  "instrs": [],
  "hs_tag": null

Get information about the most recently uploaded version of an APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/package/{package_name}/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/apps/apk/package/io.headspin.healthtest/latest


A JSON object with the information of the APK's most recently uploaded version. For example:

  "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
  "app_name": "healthtest",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
  "apk_id": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
  "file_size": 2613109,
  "version_name": "1.0",
  "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
  "success": true,
  "version": "1",
  "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
  "instrs": [],
  "hs_tag": null

Download an APK by package name

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/package/{package_name}/download GET

Optional Parameters

  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: the <code class="dcode">-L</code> flagged is required. This is because APK is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcode">-o {path-to-save-apk}</code>: to save the APK as a file on your local system, e.g. <coed class="dcode">-o healthtest.apk</code>


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/package/io.headspin.healthtest/download -o healthtest_apk_download.apk


The response contains the binary of the APK.

Download an APK by app ID

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/{app_id}.apk GET


  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: the <code class="dcode">-L</code> flagged is required. This is because APK is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcodee">-o {path-to-save-apk}</code>: to save the apk as a file on your local system, e.g.<code class="dcode">-o healthtest.apk`</code>


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e.apk -o healthtest_downloaded_by_id.apk


The response contains the binary of the APK.

Delete a previously uploaded APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/apk/{app_id}/delete DELETE


curl --request DELETE https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/apk/{app_id}/delete


  "status_code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "success": true,

List all uploaded XAPKs and their information

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapks GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapks


  "be531fc3-d6a0-4722-a5ab-d18d6e325f88": {
    "hs_tag": null,
    "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
    "app_name": "healthtest",
    "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
    "file_size": 856487647,
    "version_name": "16285",
    "ts_created": 1657751707.614,
    "success": true,
    "version": "16285",
    "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
    "xapk_id": "be531fc3-d6a0-4722-a5ab-d18d6e325f88"
  "d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311": {
    "hs_tag": null,
    "main_activity": "com.android.calculator2.Calculator",
    "app_name": "Calculator",
    "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher_calculator.xml",
    "file_size": 225194489,
    "version_name": "375",
    "ts_created": 1660699150.186,
    "success": true, "version": "375",
    "app_package": "com.google.android.calculator",
    "xapk_id": "d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311"

Upload an XAPK

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapk/upload POST

Request Body

The request's body should include the binary of your <code class="dcode">xapk</code> app. To include the binary of your app, use the <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@<path_to_your_xapk></code>", for example <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@/Users/headspin/Sample.xapk"</code>.


Upload the XAPK:

curl -X POST https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapk/upload --data-binary '@Calculator.xapk'


  "xapk_id": "d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311"

Get information about an XAPK

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapk/{app_id}/info GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapk/d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311/info


A JSON object with the app's information. For example:

  "hs_tag": null,
  "main_activity": "com.android.calculator2.Calculator",
  "app_name": "Calculator",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher_calculator.xml",
  "file_size": 225194489,
  "version_name": "375",
  "ts_created": 1660699150.186,
  "success": true, "version": "375",
  "app_package": "com.google.android.calculator",
  "xapk_id": "d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311"

Get information about the most recently uploaded XAPK in your org

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapk/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapk/latest


A JSON object with the information of the XAPK most recently uploaded by someone in your org. For example:

  "hs_tag": null,
  "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
  "app_name": "healthtest",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
  "file_size": 2613109,
  "version_name": "1.0",
  "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
  "success": true,
  "version": "1",
  "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
  "xapk_id": "be531fc3-d6a0-4722-a5ab-d18d6e325f88"

Download an XAPK by app ID

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapk/{app_id}.xapk GET


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapk/d57db510-ced5-471e-a980-da6fda432311.xapk -o calculator.xapk

This example uses cURL to perform the download. The -L and -o options are recommended:

  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: The XAPK zip is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcode">-o {path-to-save-xapk}</code>: Writes the XAPK zip as a file on your local system.


The response contains the binary of the XAPK.

Delete a previously uploaded XAPK

Route Method
/v0/apps/xapk/{app_id}/delete DELETE


curl -X DELETE https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/xapk/{app_id}/delete


  "status": "OK",
  "status_code": 200,
  "success": true

List all uploaded IPAs and their information

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipas GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipas


A JSON object, each key is the app ID for an uploaded IPA. For example:

  "cb8b9b75-0704-4cd0-a295-7a9e1a7e38ed": {
    "bundle_version": "1",
    "success": true,
    "file_size": 5112736,
    "bundle_name": "HealthTest",
    "bundle_identifier": "io.headspin.healthtests",
    "ts_created": 1553894769.616,
    "bundle_short_version_string": "1.0",
    "ipa_id": "cb8b9b75-0704-4cd0-a295-7a9e1a7e38ed",
    "hs_tag": null

List all uploaded IPAs' bundle identifiers

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/identifiers GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/identifiers


A JSON object with the two keys:

  • <code class="dcode">bundle_identifiers</code>: a list of all bundle identifiers, e.g. <code class="dcode">io.headspin.healthtest</code>
  • <code class="dcode">success</code>: <code class="dcode">true</code> or <code class="dcode">false</code>

For example:

  "success": true,
  "bundle_identifiers": [

Upload an IPA or .app iOS build

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/upload POST

Request Body

The request body should include the binary of your <code class="dcode">ipa</code> app. To include the binary of your app, use the <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@<path_to_your_ipa>"</code>, for example <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@/Users/headspin/HealthTest.ipa"</code>. It is also possible to add an optional query parameter to the URL to set an additional custom tag (<code class="dcode">hs_tag</code>) for this IPA. This tag can be updated or set later as well; this is provided for convenience.

.app iOS builds

To upload .app builds that have not been exported by Xcode, you must first package the .app directory of the build. To do so, Control-click the .app and select <code class="dcode">Compress "<app_name>"</code> or do so via the command line with <code class="dcode">zip -r <build_name>.zip <build_name>.app</code>. The request body should include the zip of your .app build. In <code class="dcode">curl</code>, use the option <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@<path_to_your_zip>"</code>, for example <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@/Users/headspin/HealthTest.zip"</code>. For brevity, the remainder of the documentation uses the term IPA when referring to either an uploaded IPA or packaged .app iOS build.


Upload an IPA:

curl -X POST https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/upload --data-binary '@HealthTest.ipa'

Upload an IPA with a custom <code class="dcode">hs_tag</code> tag field:

curl -X POST 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/upload?hs_tag=test' --data-binary '@HealthTest.ipa'

Upload a .app iOS build:

cd /parent/directory/of/app/build
zip -r HealthTest.zip HealthTest.app
curl -X POST https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/upload --data-binary "@HealthTest.zip"


  • <code class="dcode">{"ipa_id": "<ipa_id>", "success": true}</code> if the IPA is successfully uploaded.
  • <code class="dcode">{"status": "Failed to upload ipa.", "status_code": 500}</code> if there was a problem uploading the IPA.

Install an uploaded IPA or .app iOS build

Please use the <code class="dcode">/v0/idevice/{device_id}/installer/install?ipa_id={id}</code> route with the <code class="dcode">ipa_id</code> query argument documented in the iOS Device API to install an uploaded IPA or .app iOS build.

Get information about an IPA

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}/info GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/d717d7b2-83ce-4605-b2e8-a31e0b493ceb/info


A JSON object with the information for the app. For example:

  "bundle_version": "1",
  "success": true,
  "file_size": 5112736,
  "bundle_name": "HealthTest",
  "bundle_identifier": "io.headspin.healthtests",
  "ts_created": 1565730787.288,
  "bundle_short_version_string": "1.0",
  "ipa_id": "d717d7b2-83ce-4605-b2e8-a31e0b493ceb",
  "hs_tag": null

Update some custom information for an IPA

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}/info PUT


curl 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/d717d7b2-83ce-4605-b2e8-a31e0b493ceb/info' -X PUT --data '{"hs_tag": "custom"}'


A message indicating the operation was successful. For example:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Ipa info updated."

Future requests to <code class="dcode">/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}/info</code> should return with the updated <code class="dcode">hs_tag</code> field.

Get information about the most recently uploaded IPA in your org

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/latest


A JSON object with the information of the IPA most recently uploaded by someone in your org. For example:

  "bundle_version": "1",
  "success": true,
  "file_size": 5112736,
  "bundle_name": "HealthTest",
  "bundle_identifier": "io.headspin.healthtests",
  "ts_created": 1565730787.288,
  "bundle_short_version_string": "1.0",
  "ipa_id": "d717d7b2-83ce-4605-b2e8-a31e0b493ceb",
  "hs_tag": null

Get information about the most recently uploaded version of an APK

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/{bundle_identifiers}/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/io.headspin.healthtests/latest


A JSON object with the information of the most recently uploaded version of the IPA. For example:

  "main_activity": "io.headspin.healthtest.MainActivity",
  "app_name": "healthtest",
  "app_icon": "res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml",
  "apk_id": "be06ca64-712a-4695-9430-2e6937144a3e",
  "file_size": 2613109,
  "version_name": "1.0",
  "ts_created": 1565047030.804,
  "success": true,
  "version": "1",
  "app_package": "io.headspin.healthtest",
  "instrs": [],
  "hs_tag": null

Download an IPA by its identifier

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/package/{package_name}/download GET

Optional Parameters

  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: the <code class="dcode">-L</code> flagged is required. This is because the IPA is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcode">-o {path-to-save-ipa}</code>: to save the IPA as a file on your local system, e.g. <code class="dcode">-o healthtest.ipa</code>


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/package/io.headspin.healthtests/latest/download -o healthtest_ipa_download.ipa


The response contains the binary of the IPA.

Download an IPA by app ID

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}.ipa GET

Optional Parameters

  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: the <code class="dcode">-L</code> flagged is required. This is because APK is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcode">-o {path-to-save-ipa}</code>: to save the IPA as a file on your local system, e.g. <code class="dcode">-o healthtest.ipa</code>


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/d717d7b2-83ce-4605-b2e8-a31e0b493ceb.ipa -o healthtest_downloaded_by_id.ipa


The response contains the binary of the IPA.

Delete a previously uploaded IPA

Route Method
/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}/delete DELETE


curl --request DELETE https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/ipa/{app_id}/delete


  "status_code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "success": true,

List all uploaded dSYMs and their information

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms


A JSON object, each key is the dSYMs ID for an uploaded dSYMs zip. For example:

  "a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287": {
    "file_size": 5112736,
    "ts_created": 1553894769.616,
    "dsyms_id": "a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287",
    "hs_tag": null

Upload a dSYMs zip

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/upload POST

Package your dSYMs

When you archive your app in Xcode to export an IPA, Xcode will generate Debug Symbol files (dSYMs) for that build. You should be able to find your archive in Xcode's Organizer (right-click it to Show in Finder, then right-click the .xcarchive itself to Show Package Contents.) Right-click the dSYMs directory and select Compress "dSYMs" or do so via the command line with <code class="dcode">zip -r dSYMs.zip dSYMs</code>

Request Body

The request body should include a compressed zip of your archived app's <code class="dcode">dSYMs</code>. To include your dSYMs zip, use the <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@<path-to-dsyms-zip>"</code>, for example <code class="dcode">--data-binary "@/Users/headspin/dSYMs.zip"</code>. It is also possible to add an optional query parameter to the URL to also set a custom tag (<code class="dcode">hs_tag</code>) for this dSYMs zip. This tag can be updated or set later as well; this is provided for convenience.


Upload a dSYMs zip:

curl -X POST https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/upload --data-binary '@dSYMs.zip'

Upload a dSYMs zip with a custom <code class="dcode">hs_tag</code> tag field:

curl -X POST 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/upload?hs_tag=test' --data-binary '@dSYMs.zip'


  • <code class="dcode">{"dsyms_id": "<dsyms_id>"}</code> if the dSYMs zip is successfully uploaded.
  • <code class="dcode">{"status": "Not a valid dSYMs zip.", "status_code": 400}</code> if the uploaded dSYMs file is not a valid zip.
  • <code class="dcode">{"status": "Failed to upload dSYMs.", "status_code": 500}</code> if there was a problem uploading the dSYMs.

Install an uploaded dSYMs zip

Please use the <code class="dcode">/v0/idevice/{device_id}/dsyms/install?dsyms_id={dsyms_id}</code> route with the <code class="dcode">dsyms_id</code> query argument documented in the idevice api to install an uploaded dSYMs zip.

Get information about uploaded dSYMs

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/{dsyms_id}/info GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287/info


A JSON object with the information for the dSYMs. For example:

  "file_size": 5112736,
  "ts_created": 1565730787.288,
  "dsyms_id": "a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287",
  "hs_tag": null

Update some Custom Information for uploaded dSYMs

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/{dsyms_id}/info PUT


curl 'https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287/info' -X PUT --data '{"hs_tag": "custom"}'


A message indicating the operation was successful. For example:

  "message": "Updated info for dSYMs with dsyms_id a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287."

Future requests to <code class="dcode">/v0/apps/dsyms/{dsyms_id}/info</code> should return with the updated <code class="dcode">hs_tag</code> field.

Get information about the most recently uploaded dSYMs in your org

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/latest GET


curl https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/latest


A JSON object with the information of the dSYMs most recently uploaded by someone in your org. For example:

  "file_size": 5112736,
  "ts_created": 1565730787.288,
  "dsyms_id": "a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287",
  "hs_tag": null

Download a dSYMs zip by dSYMs ID

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/{dsyms_id}.zip GET


curl -L https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287.zip -o dSYMs.zip

This example uses cURL to perform the download. The -L and -o options are recommended:

  • <code class="dcode">-L</code>: The dSYMs zip is downloaded from our data service, which has a different endpoint from our API server to which the API request is made.
  • <code class="dcode">-o {path-to-save-dsyms}</code>: Writes the dSYMs zip as a file on your local system.


The response contains the dSYMs zip.

Delete a previously uploaded dSYMs zip

Route Method
/v0/apps/dsyms/{dsyms_id}/delete DELETE


curl --request DELETE https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/apps/dsyms/a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287/delete


  "status_code": 200,
  "status": "Deleted dSYMs with dsyms_id a4190dfb-eae5-4d2c-91ad-0b1c8015d287.",