HeadSpin Documentation

Using Audio API

Audio API

Table of contents

  1. Overview: Available API Routes
  2. Upload
  3. Audio Information
  4. Download
  5. Delete
  6. List Audio IDs
  7. Prepare
  8. Inject
  9. Capture
  10. Audio Analysis: Match

Overview: Available API Routes

This API allows interaction with device's audio interface for supported devices in the user's device pool. It also performs audio analysis.

Method Route Notes
POST /v0/audio/upload Upload an audio resource.
GET /v0/audio/info Returns information about the audio_id.
GET /v0/audio/{audio_id}/download?channels&start&end Returns the processed audio resource.
DELETE /v0/audio/delete Delete an uploaded audio resource.
GET /v0/audio/list Fetches all the audio_ids in the user's organization (with the option to filter by the tag field).
POST /v0/audio/prepare Cache audio on a host to prepare it for subsequent inject or live analysis requests.
POST /v0/audio/inject/start Starts a worker to inject a 'prepared' audio_id into a device.
GET /v0/audio/inject/status Returns the status of an inject worker.
GET /v0/audio/inject/wait A blocking request that returns the status of an inject worker once it has run to completion.
POST /v0/audio/inject/stop Stops an active inject worker.
POST /v0/audio/capture/start Starts a worker to capture audio from a device and upload it to a central storage repo.
GET /v0/audio/capture/status Returns the status of a capture worker.
GET /v0/audio/capture/wait A blocking request that returns the status of a capture worker once it has run to completion.
POST /v0/audio/capture/stop Stops an active capture worker.
POST /v0/audio/analysis/match Finds the reference in the test and returns the match metrics.


External audio resources can be uploaded with the option to add tags. Successful uploads will return a unique <code class="dcode">audio_id</code>. The API supports only WAV type audio -- the upload will fail if the audio file is incompatible or invalid.

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/upload


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/upload?tag=helpful-tag --data-binary "@/path/to/your/audio.wav" 


    "success": true,
    "audio_id": "313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d"

Audio Information

For a given <code class="dcode">audio_id</code>, information and metadata (such as the tag, the number of channels, samplerate, duration, etc) can be requested.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/info


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/info 


    "success": true,
    "audio_id": "313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d",
    "tag": "helpful-tag",
    "ts_created": 1526337362,
    "channels": 2,
    "samplerate": 48000,
    "format": "WAV",
    "frames": 960000,
    "duration": 20


The API allows downloading with optional processing. Without the optional parameters, the format, number of channels, samplerate, and duration of the returned resource will be as detailed by the <code class="dcode">/v0/audio/{audio_id}/info</code> request.

Optional processing allows for channel manipulation and time slicing to extract a single segment.

The <code class="dcode">channels</code> parameter allows down-mixing or masking -- valid options include <code class="dcode">mono</code>, <code class="dcode">left</code>, <code class="dcode">right</code> and <code class="dcode">stereo</code>. If you require a single channel stream, the <code class="dcode">left</code> or <code class="dcode">right</code> value is recommended over <code class="dcode">mono</code>. Generally, down-mixing to mono does not produce the intended result if there is stereo separation in the original signal.

The <code class="dcode">start</code> and <code class="dcode">end</code> parameters allow extraction of a segment. Suppose the sample is long and some subset of the sample is required for post-processing. Then the subset can be extracted by providing a <code class="dcode">start</code> and <code class="dcode">end</code> time in seconds in the request.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/{audio_id}/download?channels&start&end

You can use the <code class="dcode">-O/--remote-name</code> option in curl in combination with <code class="dcode">-J/--remote-header-name</code> to write to a file with the filename provided in the <code class="dcode">Content-Dispositio</code> response header.

Example 1: Download without any processing

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/download

Response 1

Outputs to file <code class="dcode">313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d.wav.</code>

Example 2: Download after down-mixing to mono

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" "https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/download?channels=mono"

Response 2

Outputs to file <code class="dcode">313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d channels(mono).wav.</code>

Example 3: Download after selecting only the left channel and slicing from 2 seconds to the end

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" "https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/download?channels=left&start=2" 

Response 3

Outputs to file <code class="dcode">313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d channels(left) start(2).wav</code>.

Example 4: Download after selecting only the right channel and slicing from 3.14 to 15.456 seconds

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name "https://<your_api_token>@api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/download?channels=right&start=3.14&end=15.456"

Response 4

Outputs to file <code class="dcode">313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d channels(right) start(2) end(15.456).wav</code>.


Delete an uploaded audio resource for a given <code class="dcode">audio_id</code>.

Method Route
DELETE /v0/audio/delete


curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/313f6795-df6d-4ffa-ba86-7b98f07b4a8d/delete 


    "success": true

List Audio IDs

This API endpoint fetches all the audio_ids that exist in the user's organization. You can optionally filter the results by the values of the tag field. The MySQL LIKE operator is used for filtering, which means the two wildcards (% and _) can be used to search for a specified pattern in the tag field (if you're unfamiliar with the usage of wildcards, click here to see examples).

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/list?tag

Example 1: List audio ids that exactly match "helpful-tag" in the tag field

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/list?tag=helpful-tag 

Response 1

    "audio_ids": [
    "success": true

Example 2: List audio ids that contain "help" in any position in the tag field

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/list --data-urlencode "tag=%help%" 

Response 2

    "audio_ids": [
    "success": true


Audio resources are not stored on a host, but they will need to be cached on the host in order to inject audio into a device on that host. A prepare request will block while attempting to cache audio_ids, and return once caching is complete.

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/prepare

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the <code class="dcode">hostname</code> and <code class="dcode">audio_ids</code> fields, as shown in the following example:

    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "audio_ids": [


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>"  https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/prepare --data '{"hostname": "host.headspin.io", "audio_ids": ["6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701", "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102", "375051e0-01e6-4dbb-9e4b-017a411ab7c6"]}' 


    "success": false,
    "audio_ids": {
        "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701": "cached",
        "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102": "cached",
        "375051e0-01e6-4dbb-9e4b-017a411ab7c6": "error"

Note that <code class="dcode">success</code> is <code class="dcode">false</code> if any of the <code class="dcode>audio_ids</dcode> failed to cached.


Only prepared audio resources can be injected into a device via an inject worker running on the host. A successful start request returns a <code class="dcode">worker_id</code> which can be used to poll for status updates or prematurely stop the worker.

Start inject worker

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/inject/start

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the <code class="dcode">device_address</code> and <code class="dcode">audio_id</code> fields, as shown in the following example:

    "device_address": "my_device@host.headspin.io",
    "audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701"
  • <code class="dcode">device_address</code> has the following structure: <code class="dcode">device_id@hostname</code>.
  • <code class="dcode">device_id</code> must be a device on the host which has been configured to support audio, and <code class="dcode">hostname</code> must be in the user's pool.
  • <code class="dcode">audio_id</code> must be made available for the worker on the host with a prepare request in advance.
  • <code class="dcode">use_hsp</code> if set to true, two calls to /v0/bluetooth/mode are made before and after the audio sample plays, the first to turn on HSP mode and the second to turn it off again. This can be useful on some Android devices where audio injection only works in HSP mode, see the bluetooth API for details. (Using this option instead of the bluetooth API saves the roundtrip time of two separate API calls and can be slightly faster.)

A/V box

When the audio is played back on an A/V box it is advisable to use the A/V box API directly. As a special case in an Appium session /audio/inject/start will work as long as the headspin:audio.device capability is set to either "front" or "back". (See Appium capabilities.)


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/inject/start --data '{"device_address": "my_device@host.headspin.io", "audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701"}' 


If the request is successful, a <code class="dcode">worker_id</code> is returned in the response.

    "success": true,
    "worker_id": "6c7d6c1b27a147a2af48be263ea9a517"

Status of inject worker

The worker can be polled for live status updates. In general, workers can have any number of defined tasks which can have any of the following states: <code class="dcode">waiting</code>, <code class="dcode">working</code>, <code class="dcode">finished</code>, or <code class="dcode">error</code>. The inject worker has only one task, <code class="dcode">inject</code>.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/inject/status


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/inject/6c7d6c1b27a147a2af48be263ea9a517/status

Response 1: Worker at the <code class="dcode">inject</code> stage in <code class="dcode">working</code> state

    "success": true,
    "finished": false,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "end_time": null,
    "inject": {
        "state": "working"

Response 2: Worker at the <code class="dcode">inject</code> stage that has finished

    "success": true,
    "finished": true,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "end_time": 1524884557,
    "inject": {
        "state": "finished"

Wait for inject worker

When starting an inject worker, your test may need to wait for the worker to finish before proceeding. While this can be achieved by polling status, a simpler and more direct approach is to make a <code class="dcode">wait</code> request. A <code class="dcode">wait</code> request will block until the worker has run to completion and will then respond with the status. It is important to configure your client to correctly handle timeouts in the case of long-running workers.

The status of a worker will be cached once it runs to completion, but the cache will expire if the status is not accessed for 7 days. If the worker has already finished and its status is cached, the request will return immediately.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/inject/wait


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/inject/6c7d6c1b27a147a2af48be263ea9a517/wait 


    "success": true,
    "finished": true,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "end_time": 1524884557,
    "inject": {
        "state": "finished"

Stop inject worker

The worker can only be stopped at the <code class="dcode">inject</code> stage and in the <code class="dcode">working</code> state.

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/inject/stop

Note that this is a <code class="dcode">POST</code> request with no payload.


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/inject/6c7d6c1b27a147a2af48be263ea9a517/stop 


    "success": true


This API allows high-quality capture from a device which is then uploaded to a storage system and made available to other users in your organization. A successful start request returns a <code class="dcode">worker_id</code> which can be used to poll for status updates or prematurely stop the worker.

Start capture worker

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/capture//start

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the required device_address and max_duration fields, as shown in the following example:

    "device_address": "my_device@host.headspin.io",
    "max_duration": 300,
    "tag": "a helpfully descriptive tag"
  • <code class="dcode">device_address</code> has the following structure: <code class="dcode">device_id@hostname</code>.
  • <code class="dcode">device_id</code> must be a device on the host which has been configured to support audio, and <code class="dcode">hostname</code> must be in the user's pool.
  • <code class="dcode">max_duration</code> is defined in seconds and must be within a valid range. The worker will stop capturing after this duration if it has not already been stopped.
  • <code class="dcode">tag</code> is optional; it can be used as a non-unique reference to the capture audio resource.


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/capture/start --data '{"device_address": "my_device@host.headspin.io", "max_duration": 300, "tag": "a helpfully descriptive tag"}' 


    "success": true,
    "worker_id": "139a1bbc22304dda8cbb7c6085c43580"

Status of capture worker

The worker can be polled for live status updates. In general, workers can have any number of defined tasks which can have any of the following states: <code class="dcode">waiting</code>, <code class="dcode">working</code>, <code class="dcode">finished</code>, or <code class="dcode">error</code>. The capture worker has two tasks, <code class="dcode">capture</code> and <code class="dcode">upload</code>.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/capture/status


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/capture/139a1bbc22304dda8cbb7c6085c43580/status 

Response 1: Worker at the <code class="dcode">capture</code> stage in <code class="dcode">working</code> state

    "success": true,
    "finished": false,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": null,
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "max_duration": 300,
    "end_time": null,
    "capture": {
        "state": "working"
    "upload": {
        "state": "waiting"

Response 2: Worker at the <code class="dcode">upload</code> stage in the <code class="dcode">working</code> state

    "success": true,
    "finished": true,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": "db34e55a-e996-4dd5-85bf-d7682630932d",
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "end_time": 1524884546,
    "capture": {
        "state": "finished"
    "upload": {
        "state": "working"

Wait for capture worker

When starting a capture worker, your test may need to wait for the worker to finish before proceeding. While this can be achieved by polling status, a simpler and more direct approach is to make a <code class="dcode">wait</code> request. A <code class="dcode">wait</code> request will block until the worker has run to completion and will then respond with the status. It is important to configure your client to correctly handle timeouts in the case of long-running workers.

The status of a worker will be cached once it runs to completion, but the cache will expire if the status is not accessed for 7 days. If the worker has already finished and its status is cached, the request will return immediately.

Method Route
GET /v0/audio/capture/wait


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/capture/139a1bbc22304dda8cbb7c6085c43580/wait 


    "success": true,
    "finished": true,
    "hostname": "host.headspin.io",
    "device_id": "my_device",
    "audio_id": "db34e55a-e996-4dd5-85bf-d7682630932d",
    "start_time": 1524884246,
    "end_time": 1524884546,
    "capture": {
        "state": "finished"
    "upload": {
        "state": "working"

Stop capture worker

The worker can only be stopped while at the <code class="dcode">capture</code> stage and in the <code class="dcode">working</code> state.

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/capture/stop

Note that this is a <code class="dcode">POST</code> request with no payload.


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/capture/139a1bbc22304dda8cbb7c6085c43580/stop


    "success": true

Audio Analysis: Match

The match API finds the reference in the test and outputs a match score, a prominence ratio, and start and end times of the reference relative to the test. Note that in this API, we define reference as the "ground truth" (original audio resource) and test as the longer, captured audio that contains the reference.

The intended usage of this analysis is to find an exact audio match between two audio files. It can be used to locate the reference in the test and/or compare the quality of the test relative to the reference. The algorithm finds the alignments of the reference in the test by sliding the former across the latter and calculating how similar the audio is between the two at each sliding window.

While the analysis does not do speech detection or word recognition, it is not limited to voice and works for any type of sound.

The current version of the analysis API is optimized for tests shorter than 5 minutes and references shorter than 40 seconds.

If you're looking to run the audio match analysis on sessions that have audio, please refer to Audio Match Analysis in the Session Analysis API.

Method Route
POST /v0/audio/analysis/match

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the following keys:

  • test_audio_id: audio_id of the test.
  • ref_audio_id: audio_id of the reference.
  • match_status_thresholds: (optional) A JSON object with the following keys:
    • full: Threshold used for determining full match status.
      • match_score: Must be a value between 0 and 1.
      • prominence_ratio: Must be a value >= 1. See Response Explained below for more details.
    • partial: Thresholds used for determining partial match status. Must meet both thresholds to be partial match.
      • match_score: Must be a value between 0 and 1 and smaller than the threshold used for full match.
      • prominence_ratio: Must be a value >= 1. See Response Explained below for more details.

If no <code class="dcode">match_status_thresholds</code> is provided, then the the following default thresholds will be used:

    "full": {"match_score": 0.9, "prominence_ratio": 1.0},
    "partial": {"match_score": 0.4, "prominence_ratio": 1.5}

An example body with default <code class="dcode">match_status_thresholds</code>:

    "test_audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "ref_audio_id": "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102"

An example body with custom <code class="dcode">match_status_thresholds</code>:

    "test_audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "ref_audio_id": "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102",
    "match_status_thresholds": {
        "full": {"match_score": 0.8, "prominence_ratio": 1.0},
        "partial": {"match_score": 0.5, "prominence_ratio": 1.3}

Note that if using custom <code class="dcode">match_status_thresholds</code>, all four thresholds must be provided -- e.g., using <code class="dcode">"match_status_thresholds": {"full": {"match_score": 0.8, "prominence_ratio": 1.1}, "partial": {"match_score": 0.5}}"</code> will result in an error.


curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/audio/analysis/match --data '{"test_audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701", "ref_audio_id": "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102"}' 

Response: Non-200 Status Codes

Shown below are example responses from unsuccessful POST requests:

Status Code Status Recommended Action
400 The 'prominence_ratio' threshold is not defined for 'partial' match. Check your custom match_status_thresholds.
500 Request timed out waiting for audio match. Retry.
500 Failed to retrieve the audio match result. Retry.

Response: 200 Status Code & <code class="dcode">success</code> is <code class="dcode">false</code>

    "success": false,
    "error_message": "empty test audio",
    "test_audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "ref_audio_id": "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102"

Response (for <code class="dcode">success</code> is <code class="dcode">false</code>) Explained

  • success: Returns false since the analysis could not run on the provided audio ids after inspecting the audio.

  • error_msg: Reason for why the analysis could not run.

    • Returns empty <test | ref> audio if the test or reference audio is completely devoid of sound waves. Returns empty test audio, empty ref audio if both audio are empty.
    • Returns audio size too large for analysis if the durations of the audio files are too long. We recommend that the test audio be shorter than 5 minutes and the reference audio shorter than 40 seconds. You can slice out segments from the audio files to shorten the audio durations.

Response: 200 Status Code & <code class="dcode">success</code> is <code class="dcode">true</code>

    "success": true,
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "test_audio_id": "6fd55663-0aa4-416e-a752-cfab81a13701",
    "parameters": {
        "sr_at_analysis": 8000,
        "nfft": 512,
        "match_status_thresholds": {
            "full": {"match_score": 0.9, "prominence_ratio": 1.0},
            "partial": {"match_score": 0.4, "prominence_ratio": 1.5}
    "result": {
        "6c63cccb-5914-414c-96f5-fd9234147102": {
            "match_status": "no",
            "match_score": 0.139,
            "prominence_ratio": 1.013,
            "start_time": null,
            "end_time": null,
            "precision_status": "medium",
            "poverlap": 0.625,
            "error_msg": null,
            "analysis_processing_time": 9.824

Response (for <code class="dcode">success</code> is <code class="dcode">true</code>) Explained

  • success: Returns true since the analysis successfully completed on the provided audio ids (regardless of match_status).

  • parameters:

    • sr_at_analysis: Sampling rate to which reference and test are resampled before analysis. Set at 8000.
    • nfft: The number of samples used in each block for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Set at 512.
    • match_status_thresholds:
      • full:
        • match_score: Match score threshold for full match. Defaults to 0.9.
        • prominence_ratio: Prominence ratio threshold for full match. Defaults to the minimum possible value of 1 (full match status is determined purely from match_score).
      • partial:
        • match_score: Match score threshold for partial match. Defaults to 0.4.*
        • prominence_ratio: Prominence ratio threshold for partial match. Defaults to 1.5.*

    *Returns partial match in match_status only if conditions are met on both thresholds.
    E.g., under the default settings, if match_score is 0.5 but prominence_ratio is 1.0, then this is classified as no match.

  • result:

    • match_status | full, partial, no, or error: Status of match as set by match_score and the thresholds.
      Returns error if precision_status is critically low or if the reference is not contained in the test (start_time or end_time is null).

    • match_score | 0 <= match_score <= 1: Quality of match when best aligned (max correlation coefficient).

    • prominence_ratio | >= 1: Quality of match relative to noise (ratio of the max correlation coefficient to the 2nd max).
      This number is ~1 if there is no match, but can also be ~1 if there is a match and the reference is repeated in the test.
      Because prominence_ratio is the ratio of the max correlation coefficient to the second max, the minimum possible value is 1.

    • start_time | sec or null: Start time (in seconds) of the reference in terms of the test (at best alignment).
      Returns null if match_status is no (when there is no match).
      Also returns null if start_time < 0 (i.e., reference starts before the test & therefore not contained in the test), in which case match_status is set as error.

    • end_time | sec or null: End time (in seconds) of the reference in terms of the test (at best alignment).
      Returns null if match_status is no (when there is no match).
      Also returns null if end_time exceeds the duration of the test (i.e., reference is not contained in the test), in which case match_status is set as error.

    • precision_status | high, medium, low, or critically low: Status of precision as set by poverlap.
      Returns critically low if poverlap drops below 0.25 which also sets match_status as error.

    • poverlap: 0 <= poverlap <= 0.9: % of overlap used between FFT blocks.
      Based on the size of the reference and the test, this parameter is automatically adjusted to keep the analysis processing time under ~10s.
      You can compare to the initial value of 0.9 to see how much precision has dropped.

    • error_msg: Reason(s) for match_status returning error.
      Returns reference is out of bounds if either start_time or end_time is null due to the reference not being contained in the test.
      Returns precision is too low if precision_status is critically low.
      If both conditions are met, then both error messages are displayed.